KTD Communications

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Write What You Know (When You Know It)
Writing means being an authority on your topic. Hence, the word, 'author.' Your credibility depends on being able to back up what you write. When deadlines press, it becomes easy to skip ahead to the 'real' writing. But writing goes much faster when you do foundational work. The definition of writer's block, in our opinion, is attempting to write when you haven't prepared.

You must have a common language when editing documents. One person's definition of proofreading may differ greatly from another's. (In fact, it can be so confusing we don't even use the term.) The following table helps clarify the meaning of 'edit'. When writing, it's best to proceed in the order shown. It follows that the closer you get to a finished product, the more costly it becomes to perform higher-level edits.


Drive Development
To get what you need out of development (and save costs), you need to follow a specific documentation sequence. Learn more »

Evaluate Your Site
We'll compile a three-page report filled with action items you can put to use today — with or without us. Call (480) 215-6462 now or send Learn more »

Reach Out to Customers
Let us develop a custom e-newsletter solution for you.  For a consultation, today.

Edit Working Unit Description
Developmental Outline The developmental edit focuses on the publication structure. It defines the depth and breadth of content. Gather all your source materials and references. Then put together an outline based on your analysis.
Technical Document This edit verifies content accuracy. Get a subject matter expert to review your content and have someone check facts. You may have made basic assumptions that must be explained.
Style Document This is an edit for readability, fluidity, and consistency. Analyze the presentation of ideas. Reorganize information in the best logical sequence. Maintain consistency with any related material and your house style. Make sure your language is appropriate for the audience (especially metaphoric language).
Literary Paragraph Literary edits focus on paragraph mechanics. Correct each sentence grammatically; make sure each supports your main point, which supports your topic. Eliminate lines and paragraphs that repeat the same idea. Reorganize sentences and paragraphs for logical sequence.
Copy Sentence Copy edits focus on mechanics. Check spelling, dependant clauses, prepositional sequences, etc. This is the best chance to catch embarrassments. After this stage, they become more costly to correct because you move into production.
Format Character The Format edit focuses on text as graphic elements. Make sure fonts are consistent with your design standards. Refine layout by cutting to eliminate widows and orphans. Apply text styles consistently throughout your document. This edit reviews the final material to make sure it is consistent with the electronic version.
Production Character This edit looks for errors introduced in the mechanics of creating the final document. In printing, look for spots on film, or variations in ink quality. For electronic publication, eliminate font substitution errors.
Review Document The review looks for any errors in the final publication. Allow a third-party to examine content from the audience's point of view. Include anyone who may rely on, or be accountable for the material. All involved must be confident in the publication before its distribution, or at least prepared to respond to potential problems.


Red Sandstone

P.O. Box 71606
Phoenix, AZ 85050
(480) 215-6462 phone
(623) 321-8128 fax