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Number 84: January 19, 2005

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This week in Katydid:

Taser Targeting Hits Mark
An intriguing bit of targeted marketing landed on my desk recently. Rather, it landed on the desk of a friend who just had to show me. Already, it had piqued my interest. Anytime somebody wants to show you some junk mail, it has to be interesting.

The collateral turned out to be a DVD in a clamshell case sent by Taser International, makers of the popular stun gun. Taser is sold as a non-lethal option for personal defense. Currently, police officers are the primary market, but Taser also sells to individuals.

My friend is a woman and a card-carrying NRA member, a fairly specific niche market though not necessarily small. Without going to extraordinary expense, Taser was able to get their message through to her and expand to her personal network.

The DVD was sent without wrapper. The insert appears to have been printed digitally, so the back cover contained her address and the postage-paid bug integrated with the artwork. The front cover was personalized with her name and while it printed in all caps, the designer disguised the obvious data insertion by incorporating all caps into the header treatments.

The messages were clear: protect your loved ones safely without really hurting anyone. It simultaneously addresses the fear of others hurting you and having to hurt others to protect yourself.

However, where the wrapper may be on target, the contents missed the mark. The case also included a folded insert with additional material on how the Taser X26c works. The messaging there focused on safety and effectiveness; the models are clearly security or police officers, which might play into unconscious desires but is not personalized or targeted.

The DVD itself strayed even farther from message. It contained a professionally produced video featuring the Taser X26c. The art direction for the movie was lifted directly from The Matrix films. (They should trademark those green vertical lines of code) and lots of grainy police video in the style of "Cops". Here the messaging is about control, freedom to move or to fight delivered by a deep, imposing voice. Certainly, this is not as appealing to the security moms as the cover message of safety and protection.

These messages might apply to general audiences, but Taser missed an opportunity to fulfill the promise of personal marketing made by the wrapper. Still, the personalization did three important things: it compelled her to open the packaging, it enticed her to view the material at least once, and it motivated her to share it with her friends. 

I can't complain that Taser didn't go the next step and create home security parties for women to share their personal defense stories and techniques. If you hear of such a party, remember you heard it here first; and men, should you be invited to one, be wary, you might be asked to participate in a brief demonstration.

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Kind regards, 
Kevin Troy Darling

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